Mar 20, 2022Liked by SrsTwist

How much more destruction? Given what was allowed to happen during the summer of 2020, I wonder if it won't take a third world war to bring us back to reality.


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Thank you for your excellent commentary on the baleful condition our country and society has fallen into. The journey down into this pit of desolation has been a long process facilitated by the insidious programs a cabal of secular progressive one world collectivists have infused into our educational systems, our media and entertainment systems, the liberation theology they have used to reinterpret our constitution and create activist legal jurisprudence, etc. The pertinent comment at the end where you advocate for a vigilant return to a country respecting the values of natural reason under God is essentially significant here: "The system always corrupts its minions. Our own complacency always allows it". The essential truth of that cannot be forgotten as it is what has brought us to this point. It is essential to remember, we may terminate the evil of the "left" and restore a sense of principled normalcy, but the global establishment of collaborative oligarchs (currently the WEF) is always alive and manipulating events [the way they got rid of the threat of Trump'.

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